What if you don't need to be less busy to find deeper meaning?

There is a field
Making peace and perspective in the tangle of life
Life is busy, barely time for coffee, let alone perspective. Same old worries, habits and self talk.
And the years are slipping by.
What if the perspective, pause and peace you crave aren't at a retreat or somewhere 'other', but hidden right in the centre of your busy life?
What if your most stubborn bad habits and self-talk are, themselves, the answer?
This is an invitation to see what’s really going on so you can convert your bad habits into your strongest allies and choose what you really want for your life (instead of having it chosen for you).
There Is A Field': Creating space in the tangle of life. Fortnightly 1-on-1 sessions, minimum 4 months, online or in-person, with an optional ‘wild’ day.

“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there.”
Who this is for
This is for you if:
You’re ready to see things differently, and to actively work towards change for your own benefit.
You’ve been asking "Is this all there is?" and feel a quiet curiosity about what might come next.
You’re a driven professional, and your successes are beginning to feel hollow, or you’re facing a significant change.
You want to feel more, but don't know how to make space to figure out how to do that.
This isn’t for you if:​
You want change, but you’re not yet ready to go beyond surface level.
You already have a deep well of practice, time for yourself and a clear sense of meaning in your life.
What You’ll Get:
Through these sessions, you’ll begin to see where you’re getting stuck. More importantly, you'll learn ways to alchemise your worst habits and self-talk into the things which help you.
In the process, you’ll create space to reflect on your life, feel more deeply, and step into something new. This is your chance to stop, pause, and reflect—not on what others say you should do, but on what you truly want and what’s possible for you.

“I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.”
#1 most common regret in palliative care nurse Bronnie Ware's 'Regrets of the Dying'.
Surely we've all heard ourselves say "There must be more to life".
There is a field is for those who hear the question and have no idea how to begin to find answers.

This is not a life hack or an efficiency tool, this is the work of ‘meaning making‘ so you can free yourself from repeating patterns of self-sabotage and, ultimately, get to the end of your life with fewer regrets.
Ever feel lost?
Choose what you want from life (instead of having it chosen for you).
Life is “fine”. You experience success, but even the wins aren’t lighting you up. And the question in the dead of night is: “Is there more to life?” The very centre of this work is a shift in perspective: When things stop making sense, start making meaning. Through this process, you will learn to ask “What is meaningful?”. The sense, and your actions, will flow from there.
Too busy? Distracted?
See what’s really going on, so you can reason with it.
You’re in the dark forest. Beyond busy, tangled. One step forward, two steps sideways. But you don’t have to ‘leave it all behind’ to find perspective. Instead of looking for a way out, together, we will create a metaphorical clearing. A calm, quiet place in the middle of the chaos, returning together each fortnight. And we’ll wait to see what comes out of the trees so you can notice it, reason with it and make small but foundational changes to benefit all aspects of your life.
Tried it all before?
Convert your worst habits into your strongest allies.
Sooner or later, those shadows from the forest will step into the clearing. The repeating patterns, old habits, self-talk, self-sabotage. And instead of ‘dealing’ with them or ‘overcoming’, we’ll lean into the powerful but simple, everyday practices to make allies of your enemies.
Going against the grain?
Be galvanised by universal, timeless truths.
Trying to make a change in your life without allies can be hard going. Fortunately, the oldest stories are the truest. Like mineral water through mountain rock, they are passed from generation to generation, all superfluous details filtered away so, by the time they reach us, they are with rich with life-affirming universal truths. Grief. Love. Sabotage. Anger. Guided by images from one of the greatest mythologists of our times (Dr Martin Shaw), and my own experience, you will walk away each week with another timeless story to ‘drink deeply from’ in times of need.

Who's behind this, and why it works
There is a field is hosted by 'Campfire Sam' Crosby, oral storyteller, founder of Recalling Fire and ‘meaning making mentor’. You can find out more about his journey on the about page.
The short version is, Sam is someone who spent years carving a path from ‘fine’ to ‘feeling’. The little voice was telling him something was up, but he was masterful at ignoring it. And as soon as the realisation hit – that “I’m fine thanks” meant “I’m numb, stop asking” – the whole world came rushing in.
Through his own journey – and work with Dr Martin Shaw – Sam has learned to give himself practical ways to live a meaningful life.
As oral storyteller, Sam has seen how powerful and weirdly specific old stories seem to be to our own personal stories.
And as a nature guide, he's experienced firsthand how stepping into the natural world can create moments of stillness and clarity.
Sam is also…
Mentor for A Band of Brothers, the charity founded on the mythopoetic movement, mentoring young men at risk of the justice system.
Fellow ofThe Bio-Leadership Fellowship, global leaders working with nature for the benefit of nature.
Alumni, Dartington College of Arts, Dr Martin Shaw’s The Westcountry School of Myth and Advaya’s Rewilding Mythology.
TEDx Speaker.
Sam's work draws on these experiences, filling journeys like yours with meaning.
What this is (and what it isn't)
You at the centre
I will be your mentor in meaning making. My story and guidance is important, but only in small doses. The majority of this work is focussed on you and your journey, giving rise to your habits, patterns, hopes, regrets, grief, optimism.
Practices/Practical stuff
Together we will develop a series of practical elements for you to try to make meaning in your everyday life. The gold is in this work. I promise powerful questions, you promise real, concerted effort.
Your Clearing
We’ll keep coming back to this central theme. As soon as we have a sense for what a metaphorical ‘place of pause’ looks like for you, we’ll start inviting other things there. Could be your work, could be your hopes. We might build a house there together, dig a well, or we might agree it’s as simple as a campfire. (And, if you like, we’ll range out together to find the real, physical thing.)
Mentoring (not coaching)
I hope you already know by now, this isn’t coaching or life skills. There are other, far more talented folks doing that sort of work.
I bring my experience in going from 'rationalist' to 'wonderer', my background in myth, storytelling, and nature connection to help you reconnect with something real. With these lenses, we’ll look at what’s hidden in the chaos of your everyday life, helping you see clearly, feel more deeply, and choose what comes next.
I’m not here to give you life hacks or efficiency tools, this is the work of meaning making so you can free yourself from those repeating, meaningless patterns and ultimately, get to the end of your life with fewer regrets.